500 years ago, a man predicted the future

Are the predictions of this 16th-century seer actually true?

Bryanna Fernandez, Reporter

Michele de Nostrame, more widely known as Nostradamus, is believed to be one of the greatest seers of all time.  In 1555, Nostradamus wrote all of his prediction in a book called Les Prepheties.  Many believe his predictions to be true.  Some of his predictions include the 9/11 terrorist attack, the Great Fire of London in 1666, and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler etc.  Many also believe that there are some cataclysmic events predicted by Nostradamus that are yet to happen.

There are many worrying events Nostradamus predicted for our future.  According to Dailystar online, 2019 will be the start of WWIII, which will last for 27 years between two superpowers.  This year will not be a year of financial prosperity. There shall be floods across European countries, more terrorism in Europe and the US, and an increase in religious extremism in the Middle East.  This year will also be a year of scientific advancements (such as medicine) and natural disasters (floods as mentioned earlier).

Some predictions of the distant future include more natural disasters but greater than past ones and the problem of climate change which will then lead to more wars as humans fight over resources, and diminishing supplies etc.

Nostradamus predicted three antichrists bound to prevail through time.  The first was Pau Nay Loron (three villages in southwestern France). With a little mixing of the letters, you get Napaulon Roy = Napoleon king.  The second was Hister. “He becomes the “Captain of Greater Germany” born in Noricum (the ancient name for Austria). He will have a “crooked cross” as his symbol: the Swastika.” says the website Hogueprophecy.  This can easily be assumed to be Hitler. The third and final antichrist was predicted to be Mabus. Mabus is said to be the final and worst antichrist to exist. There shall be a new order that is bound to make us fall when Mabus rises to power.