Personality types

Introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts described.

Bryanna Fernandez, Reporter

Everybody around you is different. Sometimes it may be hard to even understand why and how others are the way they are. Majority of us are familiar with the terms introvert and extrovert. You might be one of them. Let’s go into depth about each term.

Introvert: This is a person who tends to be more soft spoken and reserved. They tend to enjoy alone time as it is their comfort zone. Extrovert: This is a person who tends to be more loud and expressive. They love being around people. They find comfort in being around others. They tend to get bored easily being alone. Additionally, there is an ambivert: This person whose personality is a good balance of introvert and extrovert features.

While given these descriptions, one’s traits are not limited to the general description of their personality type. There is a spectrum of personality traits for each. Who around you fits any of these personality types? Which one do you fit under?

Estephany Gonzalez (‘20) says that she is an ambivert. While she can be comfortable being loud and crazy around people, she is fairly reserved. When asked what she would do in a situation where a stranger is asking her for directions, she responded, “I would probably tell them, ‘I don’t know, sorry.’ and walk away. I don’t know directions. It would be like the blind leading the blind.” We also collected data to show the percentage of students who fall under each personality type.