How to be happier

Some of you are sad, some already happy but everyone can use some tips on how to be just a little bit more happy.

Evie Smith, Photo Editor, Co-Litterbox Editor

Singing can make people happier. People are singing everywhere, many tv shows are based on singing competitions and, for those who are less talented, karaoke nights are a perfect opportunity to compete. Buddy the Elf was on to something when he said, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.”

Singing allows more oxygen to get into the blood-stream and release endorphins which will put people in a better mood, How Stuff Works explains. In 1998, a study done by the University of Newcastle showed that in a nursing home lower levels of anxiety and depression were found in the residence after they participated in a singing program. So whether you are in choir, the car, or the shower, turn up the tunes and sing along. It will make your bad day better and your good day one of the best.

Helping others will people happy. Working for a bigger purpose than oneself allows one to have more happiness and meaning in life. Ellen DeGeneres says, “Be kind to one another” after every show, and just like Buddy she is on to something. In a study done at the Graduate school of Stanford Business, random volunteers took a test which measured their happiness and then asked to perform a series of small acts of kindness. Then, when the day was over, they took the test again and found that overall, there was a rise in happiness.

So if a small thought to do something good pops into your mind act upon it. It not only helps the people you are serving but yourself as well. Students and staff at BHS the holiday season is the perfect opportunity to sing and serve, but as this holiday season comes to an end the singing and service doesn’t need to. Make it a habit to be happy.