Hurricane Maria’s death toll

Was Puerto Rico unprepared for Hurricane Maria?

Stephanie Rodriguez, Reporter

Hurricane Maria has been the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Hurricane Jane in 2004. According to CNN Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico on September 17th, 2017. Destruction rained on Puerto Rico, The Washington Post reports that Hurricane Maria reached a maximum of 115 mph. The buildings were torn down and reduced to pebbles, after the category 4 hurricane the local government tallied the deaths at 64.

The number of deaths was astonishing to many.  The local government has now changed from 64 deaths to 2,975. According to Huffington Post the local government did not have the comprehensive mortality system to keep track of the amount of deaths.

A Harvard study speculates that there could be more than 5,000 deaths due to lack of proper health care. Hurricane Maria enormously affected Puerto Rico’s economy because it destroyed many buildings and structures witch caused up to $91.6 billion in damage.