The voice of the students

The Catamount

The voice of the students

The Catamount

The voice of the students

The Catamount

The Magic Wands Waves Goodbye

Image Credit: Wendy Wands

As the large school it is, keeping Bothell High School functioning is not a job that comes easily. This job, however, has been gracefully, and brilliantly executed by Ms. Wendy Wands, our campus supervisor, for the past 19 years. As the school year comes to a close, those 19 years do as well, as Ms. Wands has decided to retire and will soon be embarking on a new journey.

Ms. Wands described her job as campus supervisor as “keeping [our] campus safe,” but she has also personalized this position by “forging relationships with students and staff,” and she has taken on a lot of responsibilities outside the technical job description. Although her job as campus supervisor entails a great deal of time and effort, this is not her only position at Bothell High School. She is also the care team liaison–a job that does not have as much attention as it deserves. Ms. Wands truly is the superhero of our school, as she has made immense efforts to help students and families in our community. Her position as care team liaison “evolved when she [discovered] how different families on our campus were going through tough times.” She quickly sprung into action, creating the Cougar Pantry – her “proud baby” – as a resource for those in need. The Cougar Pantry was a labor of love, as it took the help of grants, donations, and help to create, but it has become such a vital part of our Bothell community. Overall, Ms. Wands explained that “we are a community at Bothell, and we are a family.” 

Reflecting on her time at Bothell High School, she stated that “[she’s] going to miss the connections [she’s] made with students and staff, […] but [she] also knows it’s time for [her] to head for a new chapter.” In her words, despite living in Woodinville she will always “bleed Bothell blue.” Bothell High School won’t be the same without Ms. Wands, so be sure to make her impact known. Her legacy is forever a part of our school. We wish you all the luck and happiness in the world in your new chapter, Ms. Wands! 

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  • M

    Mark HarndenJun 10, 2024 at 11:50 am

    I’m thankful for your dedication and your loyalty to Bothell high school. You are wonderful and blessed person. You’ve helped our society in so many ways and education.
    Thank you, Mark and Peggy Harnden
