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The voice of the students

The Catamount

A Definitive List of the Best Rom-coms Ever
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Rom-coms (short for romantic comedies) have been a favorite pastime for millions of people over the last 40 years. From being left at the altar to being in a fake relationship, rom-coms have been a staple of American entertainment. We ranked our top 15 rom-coms of all time, being judged on the couples’ chemistry, meet-cutes, and likelihood of staying together. This is the definitive list we have compiled. 


Honorable Mentions:

She’s the Man (17/30)

No Strings Attached (18/30)

She’s All That (18/30)


10- The 40-Year-Old Virgin (2005)

Rating – 19/30: Chemistry (6/10), Meet-Cutes (6/10), Likelihood of staying together (7/10)

Plot – Andy Stitzer, is a shy, nerdy 40-year-old, and still a virgin. This led his co-workers to make a mission to help him lose his virginity. After many attempts and advice from his coworkers, he meets Trish, a single mother and they start a non-physical relationship. As their relationship grows, Andy struggles to hide his virginity, leading to a heartfelt and hilarious confession. 

9- The Proposal (2009)

Rating – 19/30: Chemistry (7/10), Meet-Cutes (5/10), Likelihood of staying together (7/10)

Plot – Margaret Tate, a Canadian book editor, faces deportation due to her expired visa. To avoid deportation, she convinces her assistant, Andrew Paxton to marry her. The two travel back to Andrew’s hometown in Alaska, where they deal with their fake engagement, unexpected feelings, and a troubled family. As the facade ends, Margaret and Andrew discover a real connection. 

8- Crazy Stupid Love (2011)  

Rating – 20/30: Chemistry (7/10), Meet-Cutes (7/10), Likelihood of staying together (6/10)

Plot – Cal Weaver’s life is turned upside down when his wife Emily asks for a divorce. In a bar after hearing this, he meets Jacob Palmer, a ladies’ man who helps him rediscover his style and confidence. As Cal navigates new romantic options, he and the people around him face a whirlwind of surprises from angry fathers to a backyard brawl. 

7- Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

Rating – 21/30: Chemistry (6/10), Meet-cute (8/10), Likelihood of staying together (7/10)

Plot – Sam Baldwin moves to Seattle with his young son after tragically losing his wife. While living there, his son calls a local radio station, telling them his dad is lonely and needs a girlfriend. This stars a regular series of women writing letters to the station fawning over the mysterious Seattle man. One, in particular, is an engaged Annie Reed from Chicago, who Sam’s son personally selects. 

6- 13 Going on 30 (2004)

Rating – 21/30: Chemistry (6/10), Meet-Cutes (7/10), Likelihood of staying together (8/10)

Plot – Jenna Rink makes a wish on her 13th birthday to be a 30-year-old woman. The next day she wakes up being 30 years old and living her dream life with an athlete boyfriend but she does not remember the last 17 years. She spends the movie trying to find her childhood best friend, Matt, to understand how this new world works.

5- Notting Hill (1999)

Rating – 22/30: Chemistry (8/10), Meet-cute (7/10), Likelihood of Staying together – (7/10)

Plot – A famous actress wanders into the humble bookstore in Notting Hill. After the owner spills coffee on the actress, their eventual relationship falls victim to the paparazzi and harassment of celebrities. 

4- How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)

Rating – 23/30: Chemistry (9/10), Meet-Cutes (6/10), Likelihood of staying together (8/10)

Plot – Andie Anderson, a magazine writer, starts on a project to start dating a man and make him lose interest in 10 days by making stereotypical dating mistakes. Unknown to her, her love interest, Benjamin Barry, an advertising executive, has made a deal that he can make any woman fall in love in 10 days too. Their different deals cause hilarious romance and connection.

3- Pretty Woman (1990)

Rating – 25/30: Chemistry (9/10), Meet-cute (8/10), Likelihood of staying together (8/10)

A hooker and a wealthy businessman meet by chance one night. After spending the night together, the man gives the woman a job, allowing her to experience his high-class style. The former hooker must navigate her new life as well as confront her past one.

2- When Harry Met Sally (1989)

Rating – 27/30: Chemistry (9/10), Meet-Cutes (8/10), Likelihood of staying together (10/10)

Plot – Harry Burns and Sally Albright share a long car ride from Chicago to NYC for their post-graduate lives. The film jumps around in their lives showing them searching for love but failing, bumping into each other occasionally. Then finally at a New Year’s Eve Party, Harry tells Sally that she loves him, they share a kiss and later get married.

1- 10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Rating – 28/30: Chemistry (10/10), Meet-Cutes (9/10), Likelihood of staying together (9/10)

Plot – Cameron James, a new student, falls for Bianca Stratford but can’t date her until her sister, Kat, dates too. Cameron pays the school’s bad boy, Patrick Verona, to date Kat. As Patrick wins over Kat, Cameron must navigate High School romance with Bianca. The storyline of the movie is based on Shakespeare’s play, Taming of the Shrew.

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