The voice of the students

The Catamount

The voice of the students

The Catamount

The voice of the students

The Catamount

Hidden Gems in Our Area

Image Credit: Google Maps

Getting tired of the same popular places? Well in this article we dive into four locations that deserve a lot more attention. 

Our first hidden gem is Becas Brew, an outdoor coffee stand right outside of our very own school! Beca has great prices, speedy service, and delicious food & drinks. 

Do you like books and cats? Well lucky for you, because our second hidden gem includes both. Twice Sold Tales is a used bookstore with four live-in bookstore cats, with two locations in Seattle! With walls covered in books, and cats lying in the nooks in each room, it is the perfect place to get any book imaginable with genres spreading from poetry, music, nonfiction, religion, cookbooks, and so much more. 

Our third gem, Bailey Farm, located in Snohomish, lets you pick your very own flowers, fruit, and vegetables! The prices down at Bailey Farm are amazing for just $3.25/lb for strawberries and apples! 

If you’re looking for more adventure, Bob Heirman Wildlife Park, our fourth gem, is the perfect spot; here you can hike and swim! It is along the Snohomish River, and it is the ideal spot to get outside during summer. 

These places around us deserve more recognition, and we hope you Cougs can explore and experience these hidden gems this summer and times in the future! 

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