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The Catamount

The voice of the students

The Catamount

The voice of the students

The Catamount

Pen-and-paper vs Tablet-and-stylus Note-taking

Image Credit: OurDeal

So, for generations, we have used the classic pen-and-paper duo for our notes, tests, studying, etc. But as of recent years, a new player has entered the field…the tablet and stylus! Now which is better? Well, I own both so let’s see!

A lot of it depends on your style. Love organization? The tablet might just be your best friend. But if you prefer a less easily distracted method, paper’s got your back. 

Now what do I mean by those two statements? Well for starters, iPads and tablets can be a great organizational tool and in the long run, can be less costly. Now you may be saying, “Well how does that work, it’s an iPad! It’s like $400!” But first off a Gen 10 is actually $450, anyway constantly buying notebooks and pencils can be just as costly in the long run. Don’t forget the use of organization that comes with a tablet. Tablets have a wide range of note-taking apps with all sorts of ways to use folders and digital notebooks to your advantage. My personal favorite is Goodnotes. Goodnotes has various features that can help somebody with organization and just making pretty notes! Now another point is with iPadsGen 6 and upthey have a feature where you can write and it turns into text! So, have super messy handwriting no one can read? Maybe, just maybe, the iPad can. 

Now what about pen and paper? Well, we all know that writing notes is more effective than typing to remember facts, and it’s on its way to being proven that paper might be more stimulating than digital notes. But pen and paper are good for more than just that! If you find yourself distracted by taking notes on an iPad, pen and paper can help you. While taking notes on an iPad can be efficient it can also be distracting. Having all that technology at the tips of your fingers can be too much when you have your AP Chemistry test the next day. They are alsoobviouslycheaper upfront. Though over time those costs might build. 

So in the end what is the better note-taker? Both are completely different styles that can benefit different people, so the better question is which is better for you?

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