The voice of the students

The Catamount

The voice of the students

The Catamount

The voice of the students

The Catamount

My 4-Year Journey (and Beyond) Through Photography

Image Credit: Evan O’Brien (left) Moriah Hawkins (right)

 Chapter 1: The Beginning (Freshman and Sophomore year)

The first photo I ever took (My Papa)

I got my first camera in my freshman year. It was a Canon Powershot SX540, my Papa and Nana gifted it to me for beginning and intermediate photography (taken over online school, if I may add). I was a learner. I knew nothing about the art, and honestly thought I would take these classes for the two art credits, and then put the camera away on a shelf where it would gather dust, never to be seen again. BUT BOY WAS I WRONG! I began the first semester taking Beginning Photography with Mrs. Goldsmith and immediately fell in love with the art form. I mostly stuck to nature and animals during my first two years, producing shots like these.


Chapter 2: The Middle (Junior Year)

It was Junior Year and I decided to try sports photography. Coincidently, I joined The Catamount that year (Thanks to Lydia, who tipped me off about the club). So I went to a couple of BHS Football games to try it. I wasn’t allowed on the field because I had no credentials, so it was difficult to get good pictures. Naturally, I climbed up to the top of the Pop Keeney bleachers and I got shots like this (you can see the rest of these in the Sports section on the website). That season when basketball rolled around and the lighting conditions switched from bearable (The Pop) to unbearable (BHS Gym) my camera suddenly became inadequate. Luckily I hit it off with Dusty Hawkins, a team parent, who let me borrow his Sony Alpha 1. This absolute unit of a camera produced the cleanest images I took up to that point. Images like this.

Some of these images even got into the yearbook! Including my photo being THE winter sports divider picture! That Christmas, I got my first “proper” DSLR, a Canon T3 (thanks Grandma!).  This is what would propel me into the big leagues.


Chapter 3: The End  (Senior Year)

The summer before school started I went to a BHS football training camp and collaborated with the football team. That would be where I met Ryland Spencer, a pivotal character in this story. This guy fought like hell to get me on the sidelines for football games and he was successful. I covered the season from Tyson Hoke (24) running the first kickoff of the season back for a touchdown, to senior night. Once football was done, it was time for basketball. I once again ate it up taking photos and Ryland used his magic to get me a WIAA media pass to follow the BHS Girls Basketball team to state. This is where I got to experience going through a press entrance for the first time and getting the opportunity to shoot in an actual professional setting and stadium!


When Spring rolled around I expected not to take that many pictures due to my playing lacrosse. Life had other plans. I broke my hand off a save in practice which knocked me out for almost the whole season. So I went from Alistar Hennessey (Captain/Goalie) to Alistar Hennessey (Captain/Photographer). 

I returned just in time for the senior night though! When my season ended, I traveled with the baseball team to the playoffs as the “team photographer” on the roster (thanks to Ryland once again). I have the opportunity to (as I’m writing this) go to the State Championship game on Saturday the 25th at 4:00 in Pasco, as long as good results come out of the 24th. (here’s hoping).


Chapter 4: Looking Forward (College and Beyond)

My high school academic career is almost up, and with that comes my High School photography career. I am committed to Central Washington University to major in history teaching, and minor in photography. Or at least that’s the plan at least for right now. I will definitely continue Sports Photography, and use my skills for CWU. I see myself getting more opportunities to shoot bigger and better sporting events as I grow older, and since I will have turned 18 at the time of this printing, my potential gigs will open up tremendously!


Thank you to Mr. Beck and the Editors Board of The Catamount for giving me the opportunity to be a staff photographer and Sports Editor, I hope I did not let you down! Thank you to Mr. Holmes at yearbook for believing in me, and designating me as your right-hand man when it came to shooting sporting events. And a hearty thank you to you BHS, it was fun being your photographer and covering your various sporting events! 


You can follow me on Instagram at @hennessey_photography_14 to follow my story!




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