Today in history

December 17th, 2018

Aleah Josephsen, Co-Sports Editor

In 1862, according to, Ulysses S. Grant issued General order no.11. Order 11 was one of the most prominent examples of anti-semitism initiated by Grant. The order expelled all Jews from Tennessee, Kentucky and Mississippi as a result of an increasing amount of illegal cotton traders but in reality very little were of Jewish descent. The order allowed for arrest and punishment if any shall return to any of the 3 states. Though later repealed, Grant’s order goes down in history for his anti-semitic reputation.

In 1903, according to, Orville and Wilbur Wright flew the first successful, “heavier than air,” and self-propelled aircraft in history. The aircraft covered 120ft within the 12 seconds it was in flight. The Wright brothers had developed extraordinary technical skills which led to their dream of building the world’s first airplane. The brothers were given the opportunity in 1900 to write to the U.S. Weather Bureau, which helped to choose the ideal location of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina as it had constant, steady winds and sand dunes to land softly in. The flight of the first aircraft started the continuous developments into the airplanes flown around the world today.