First Semester Thoughts
First semester reflections
March 12, 2019
Finals are over and through with, it is already the second semester. For most students at Bothell High, the first semester was either quite breezy or a complete disaster. Since grades are restarting it is a given opportunity to start fresh and throw out your old habits.
An easy step to starting out fresh is to reflect on how you did at the beginning of the year and act upon it. A quote by from Margaret J. Wheatley,
“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.”
When not reflecting upon your work, how do you expect yourself to grow and achieve your goals? Another step to achieving your goals is to stick with it. The most notorious quote most of us can admit to saying is, “I’ll do it later.”
Let’s be honest: how many times do you tell yourself you’re going to do the assignment or whatever project, and end up doing it last minute, to the point where there is too much on your plate? Instead of saying “I’ll do it later,” actually do it. You’ll thank yourself later so you don’t have to stay up late at 1:00 AM doing the assignment.
The point is that everybody should reflect upon themselves, whether you enjoy school or not. There is always room for improvement, and you should always remember that. The first semester was just an appetizer-the main dish will come soon. Just wait.