TV could be harming young kids’ minds

The practice of young children watching TV is widely debated over.

Téa Schmid, Design Editor

Since the first programs were made in the 1940s, kids’ TV shows have become increasingly popular over the years. This has caused much worry for parents and medical professionals because of the many hours of screen time young kids are consuming. However, TV shows and personal devices are not entirely bad for children either. Kids should be allowed to watch TV and use parents’ devices, as long as it is used for a specific learning purpose.

People today are often very concerned about everything their kid sees — which is very understandable and makes a good parent; however, many times this can cause a parent to overlook the good that TV can do for a child. “They’re written by people who are masters in teaching lessons through fun stories. In that sense, it can be the same as a book,” claims Elise Cogan (‘20). PBS Kids, for example, has about twenty consultants they work with to create their shows. Sesame Street can help children learn letters and numbers. Other shows teach kids social lessons.

According to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, parents should limit their children two and older to only watching one to two hours a day. Children under two should not be using any kind of screen whatsoever. Parents are also advised to not use TV as a reward or allow screens during meals. All of this can be used to prevent a child’s addiction to technology too early in life.

While no technology compares to the attention of a parent, sometimes a parent cannot be one hundred percent focused on that one child. They may have other kids or responsibilities they need to pay attention to. Especially when both parents work. “I think TV, with parental input and guidance, can be great,” says Mrs. Marcella Charters, a biology teacher at Bothell. As long as the parent is using technology as a learning tool, screens should be seen as okay for kids to use.